
Tigers eye

Tigers eyes usually red/brown/yellow / golden  color. Brings harmony , balance , good luck and protection to the wearer


30 in stock


Metaphysical uses :

  • Brings good luck to the wearer
  • undo any negative energy imparted into you
  • used to fight the Evil Eye.
  • Useful for recognizing one’s own needs in relation to the needs of others 
  • Dispelling fear and anxiety 
  • bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision
  • helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions.
  • increase your wealth, boost your money flow
  • Give purpose , courage,  self confidence 
  • Balancing yin-yang and energising the emotional body
  • restore the equilibrium in your life

**Additional :  traditional crystal to give on 9th wedding anniversaries

Physical uses:

  • Helps Treats throat , eyes, and reproductive organs 
  • Releases toxins 
  • help increase your metabolism
  • helps in clearing sinus congestions
  • Alleviates pain and helps repairing  broken bones and strengthening the alignment at the spinal column 
  • strengthen the endocrine system and it brings the hormones and biochemistry back into balance
  • Stabilizes mood swings
  • release fear and anxiety 
  • Heals Psychosomatic illnesses 


 Chakra -sacral and solar Vibration 4

How to Cleanse

  1. Rinse your Tiger’s Eye with water by placing it directly under natural rainfall for 4 to 5 minutes. 
  2. you can also place your stones in a colander and run your stones under a faucet for about 10 minutes. 
  3. Put the crystal in a bowl of  salt water and moonlight  ( all night )With the intention of asking the Moon energy to cleanse your crystal

How to energize 

  1. Put your  left hand on your heart and use your right hand to hold incense ( lavender /sandalwood/rose ) sage smudge sticks / santopalo sticks  and move in a clockwise direction for a few minutes . Make the intention that you want to use the crystal for . Repeat the intention 7 times 
  2. Place your crystal on a selenite / kyanite grid and request them to energize the crystal . You may place your intention on paper under the crystal for a few hours .
  3. To check if your crystal has been energized – place it on your heart and check how you feel.
  4. For additional tips please inbox 


I am confident , strong,  have clarity and enthusiasm


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