
HomeShopCrystalsPink Aventurine

Pink Aventurine

Excellent stone may be used for healing and regulating the physical heart and circulatory system. Pink aventurine can be used treat sleep disorders.


14 in stock


Metaphysical uses :

  • Creative inspiration 
  • Understand alternative choices 
  • Calming 
  • Inner strength and willpower 
  • Gain motivation 
  • help us to train our minds to create pleasant dreams.
  • Develop deep appreciation for yourself
  • Develop empathy
  • Balance stubble bodies 
  • Aids  overcoming fear and grief after a negative romantic experience.
  • Remove feelings of being trapped 

Physical uses:

  • Improve immune system 
  • Detoxifying 
  • Aid in regulating the physical heart and circulatory system. 
  • Treat sleeping disorders 
  • Improve blood circulation 
  • Stimulates metabolism


Heart chakra 

Vibration  number 3

How to Cleanse

  1. Use of mantra/ affirmation . eg OM Mani Padme Hum  (108 times x7)
  2.  Fill a bowl with 2-4 cups of  salt  (either rock / sea/ pink ) with water  ( one bowl per crystal to make it more effective. :Put the Crystal  in the Sun ( 45 mins ) With the intention of asking the Sun energy to cleanse your crystal . You may add lavender/juniper /rose /sandalwood/palosanto 5-8 drops 
  3. soak your crystals for 24 hours in a bath or rose petals, orange blossoms, or honeysuckle (use your intuition for the blossoms best for your bath), if you want to help your stones strip away negativity, cleanse them, and transmit the purity and energy of the flowers to the stone. Keep in mind that whatever flowers you use will transmit those properties to the stones. 
  4. Put the crystals in bowl of brown rice for 24hr 
  5. Fill a bowl with 2-4 cups of  salt  (either rock / sea/ pink ) with water  ( one bowl per crystal to make it more effective. :Put the Crystal  in the Sun ( 45 mins ) With the intention of asking the Sun energy to cleanse your crystal  
  6. Crystal or Tibetan bowls, Tibetan/tingsha bells, drums, other percussion, sacred singing and incantations, healing music (including harmonious/ceremonial/classical music or the solfeggio frequencies), or you can run activated tuning forks over them. Make sure your crystals are in the sound pathway
  7. Bury your crystal in the earth and leave it there overnight .

How to energize 

  1. Put your  left hand on your heart and use your right hand to hold incense ( lavender /sandalwood/rose ) sage smudge sticks / santopalo sticks  and move in a clockwise direction for a few minutes . Make the intention that you want to use the crystal for. Repeat the intention 7 times  – do this under the full moon . If you wish to start a new project etc. use the New moon energy 
  2. Place your crystal on a selenite / kyanite grid and request them to energize the crystal . You may place your intention on paper under the crystal for a few hours . ( preferably at night) 
  3. To check if your crystal has been energized – place it on your heart and check how you feel.
  4. Project pink or purple light from your heart to the crystal 
  5. For additional tips please inbox


At this moment, I  am connected to my own freewill and willpower. I am constantly  free to choose any of the paths that my life offers. I am one with my higher self


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