
HomeShopCrystalsBlack tourmaline

Black tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a great  crystal  used for protection of negative energies . Additionally , it protects spaces from unwanted energies.


18 in stock


Metaphysical Uses:

  • powerful ability to clear negativity
  • protect you against psychic attack 
  • Protective 
  • Helps with grounding and secure.
  • protection from beings from the lower realms.
  • Accepting positive energy : the feminine energy of tourmaline is receiver to positive energy 
  • Transformation: it also has the ability to turn dense energy 
  • Protects from negative energies – transmutes negative energies of all kinds (including thoughts) into positive energies.
  • Receives the negative energy or psychic attack, 
  • purification, cleansing the emotional body of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger or feelings of unworthiness.
  • bring you confidence, power, joy, abundance

Physical Uses :

  • Assist pain relief for arthritis
  • absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positive energy
  • release an excess of energy that has caused you to feel unwell.
  • known to help with panic attacks
  • Helps with detoxification 
  • Shields from harmful electromagnetic radiation—from TVs, computers and mobile phones—by emitting a small electric current.
  • help detoxify your body and heal the connection between your body and mind.
  • bring you confidence, power, joy, abundance


 Root Chakra

 vibration 2

How Cleanse 

Cleanse your black tourmaline  on the full moon  once a month.

  1. Fill a bowl with 2-4 cups of  salt  (either rock / sea/ pink ) with water  ( one bowl per crystal to make it more effective.
    1. Option 1 :Put the Crystal  in the Sun ( 45 mins ) With the intention of asking the Sun energy to cleanse your crystal  
    2. Option 2 :Put the  Crystal on grass asking Mother Earth / Gaia to cleanse your crystal   


While Crystal is in the sun / grass you may  use Sandalwood/lavender/rose  incense / sage smudge stick / santopaolo sticks to cleanse further  at the same time .

Invoke the energy of the lavender and sandalwood to remove any negative programmes, previous energies /thoughtforms/

How to energize 

  1. visualize/Feel/think  your intentions and goals in using the black tourmaline. Feel the stone absorbing your energy. As soon as your energy absorbs into the black tourmaline, choose how you’ll use the stone.
  2. Place your crystal on a selenite / kyanite grid and request them to energize the crystal . You may place your intention on paper under the crystal for a few hours .
  3. To check if your crystal has been energized – place it on your heart and check how you feel.
  4. For additional tips please inbox 


I am grounded and connected to the Earth’s energies . I am protected fully and completely  from any negative thoughts / psychic attacks. NOW NOW NOW 


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