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Black kynite

Black kyanite is another twin flame crystal. Has many metaphysical uses.


8 in stock


Metaphysical uses :

  • Heal energy gaps in the aura 
  • Spiritual grounding 
  • Power protection tool 
  • Clear negative energy 
  • Help in cord cutting 
  • Manifestation
  • Repairing relationships 
  • Intuition
  • Twin flames stone 
  • Conflict diffusion 
  • Explore past lives 
  • Can help one anticipates how current actions affect the future 
  • Help in cutting karmic ties
  • Let go of negative attachments 
  • Best used to “sweep” the parts of the auric field

Physical uses:

  • Can help urogenital system 
  • Help adrenal glands  


Vibration number 4  basic chakra 

How to Cleanse


  1. Use of mantra/ affirmation . eg Om Mani Padme Hum/ Om/ Aum/  (108 times x7)
  2. Crystal or Tibetan bowls, Tibetan/tingsha bells, drums, other percussion, sacred singing and incantations, healing music (including harmonious/ceremonial/classical music or the solfeggio frequencies), or you can run activated tuning forks over them. Make sure your crystals are in the sound pathway
  3. Bury your crystal in the earth and leave it there overnight

How to energize 

  1. Put your  left hand on your heart and use your right hand to hold incense ( lavender /sandalwood/rose ) sage smudge sticks / santopalo sticks  and move in a clockwise direction for a few minutes . Make the intention that you want to use the crystal for . Repeat the intention 7 times  – do this under the full moon . If you wish to start a new project etc use the New moon energy 
  2. To check if your crystal has been energized – place it on your heart and check how you feel.
  3. Project pink or purple light from your heart to the crystal 
  4. For additional tips please inbox


Everything is working for my highest good now . I am energized 


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