Manifestation at its core is the ability to use your thoughts, beliefs, and actions positively and powerfully to attract your desires. There are so many ways to manifest your goals such as vision boards, scripting, and positive affirmations. The 369 Nikola Tesla manifestation method has gotten a lot of attention over the past months due to its simple nature to use and receive positive results. The hashtag #369manifestation currently has over 87M views on TikTok with people sharing their stories and understanding of the method.
Who was Nikola Tesla and how did he come up with the 369 manifestation method?
Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor classified the numbers 3 6, and 9 as divine numbers. He has been quoted saying “If you knew the magnificent of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, you have the key to the universe”. The number 3 represents a direct link to the source/universe. 6 is associated with the inner strength and power that we have within us and 9 reflects a release of negative emotions of fear and doubt. All of these numbers hence are closely connected to the universe and what we would need in order to manifest our deepest desires.
What is the 3 6 9 manifestation method?
The 3 6 9 manifestation method involves writing down and repeating what you want to manifest three times in the morning, six times in the day, and 9 times in the evening. This method is all about using repetitive positive affirmations throughout the day as a tool to allow your subconscious mind to believe what you want to manifest. Using the law of attraction and numerology is a powerful manifestation technique for getting what you want.
How do I use the 369 manifestation method in my life?
Before getting started, I get very clear about my intention and what it is that I want to manifest. This could be anything that I want to attract into my life – a new house, job, a new notebook, or even a bouquet of flowers. It doesn’t matter how big or small the desired object is. The best way I have found to begin is with gratitude, then adding emotion and ending with into my life.
For example “If I am trying to manifest a tesla in the colour white. I can begin my sentence as “ I am so grateful for the universe aligning me to attract a white tesla and bringing happiness and contentment into my life.”
The next step would be for me to write down this manifestation three times in the morning as soon as I wake up. The key is for me to focus on the emotions of happiness and contentment that I am to feel when I receive this car.
At midday, after twelve pm, I will take my journal and repeat writing the statement six times with the same emotions and feelings experienced whilst writing. With the chaos of the day it can be difficult to focus on my affirmations and my feelings along with it. However, with practice and focus it is possible for me to re-connect to this high vibration feeling throughout my day.
Right before I close my eyes to sleep and enter my subconscious mind, I will repeat writing and speaking these affirmations out loud nine times. This is one of the most powerful times especially because it is right before our minds get into a deep state of undisturbed manifestation energy.
A few things I remember while using this method is to speak my desires in the present by using words like “I do” or “I have received” which lets the universe know that I have already received my desires and I have let go of my negative doubts around what I want. An important aspect to remind myself is to let go of my manifestation and to not obsess over it. The ideas of how my desire will come to me and when it will come to me are in the hands of the universe and to just fully allow myself to trust the process of manifestation and trust the universe.
What are the benefits of using the 369 manifestation method?
One of the biggest benefits of this method is to rewire my brain. Rewiring my brain involves using powerful affirmations and visualizations to release any fears and doubts that stop me from believing and manifesting my goals. When I began using the 369 manifestation method continuously I was able to hold myself at a high vibration level during the entire day, leading me to be open to receiving my desires.
Another benefit of this method is being able to play around with time. Time is often considered a social construct and all that exists instead is the now. When I tap into my manifestations and constantly exist in that state of gratitude and belief of having received this desire, I am telling the Universe that I have what I need now.
This method is all about realizing our personal power and realizing that I have the power to receive and get exactly what my heart desires and that the Universe is in alignment with me at all times.